For years, Peru has been recognized as a country of great diversity, geographically, culturally, climatically, ethnically. This, without a doubt, is part of its great wealth. However, focusing on this quality alone has resulted in these differences taking the foreground, thus even contributing to increasing the distance among Peruvians, making them feel further apart.
When Cristal beer noticed this tension, it wanted to play an active role and be coherent with its purpose of uniting the country. Hand in hand with VMLY&R Peru, they worked on an update of the creative platform which intends to connect with the country and conveys an irrefutable truth: in a country where only differences are highlighted, Cristal invites us to find something much more valuable – enjoy the things we have in common, those things that unite us.
It is so that Cristal beer launched its latest campaign: “What we share tastes better”.
This is an invitation to look at things through the right glasses in order to discover those other things that we do have in common and that, as Peruvians, we are not seeing – things as great as soccer or our love for cumbia, as great as our determination to overcome problems or our same eagerness to start a business and prosper.
The brand’s main drive is to work to build a better country, where selfishness becomes less common among Peruvians and we can start to see the positive things that bring us together as a society – definitely a very relevant concept and idea in these times.
This professional campaign titled 'Lo que compartimos sabe mejor (What we share tastes better)' was published in Peru in July, 2023. It was created for the brand: Cristal, by ad agency: VMLY&R. This 360°, Content, and Integrated media campaign is related to the Alcoholic Drinks industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 1 year ago by VMLY&R PERÚ of VMLY&R.
Marketing VP: Alejandro Molina
Core Brand Director: Diego Devoto
Brand Manager: Daniel Villarán @danielvillaran
Brand Lead: Alexia Barragán @alexia.barragan
Brand Lead: Fernando Salas @fernandosalas92
CEO: Eduardo Grisolle
EDC: Tin Sánchez @tinsanchez
Creative Director: Coqui Soto @coquisoto
Creative Director: Beto Noriega @betonoriegavega
Creative Copywriter: Luis Alburqueque @luisalburqueque
Art Director: Oscar Gonzales @oscar_gonzales
Account Director: Raúl López-Guerra @lopezwar
Account Supervisor: Brenda Ruiz @bren__duh
Production Director: Malena Mellado
Producer: Andrea De la Torre
Rebeca Producciones @rebecaproducciones
Director: Roddy Dextre @roddy_dextre
Executive Producer: Alejandro Noriega @alejandronoriega
Investigation: Ducelia Woll @ducelia /Carla Mondragón @carlamondragon__
Production Coordinator: Eduardo Guerra @edu___guerra
Assistant Producer: Gianella Bellido @gian_marii
Assistant Director: Franco Parodi @francoparodigold
Second Assistant Director: Ana Lucia Alva @ analu____cia
Director of Photography: Julian Estrada @julian_amaru / Fergan Chavez @fchavezferrer
Photographer: Alonso Molina @alonso_molina_foto
Gaffer: Lander Torres @torreslander / Aldo Gutti @ el_gutti
Technicians: Jesús Gallegos / Miguel Huanca / Luis Alberto Soria / Luis Roberto Girón / Cesar Urandy Marrero / Luis Adilson Paniagua / Alessandro Bonelli / Juan Pablo Trujillo.
Focus Puller: Jesus Walls @ jesus_walls1995
Camera Assistant: Kevin Cabrera @kevincveliz
VideoAssist: Roberth Coronel @ ra.seth_
Data Manager: GianCarlo Segovia @segoviagiancarlo / Jhonatan Perleche @perlechin
Power Bank: Rigoberto Tenorio @filmtruckperu / Filma Peru @filmaperu
Equipment: Tupak @tupakrental
Production Chief: Luis Chamorro @chamoguz
Assistant Producer: Patricia Huertas @patty.huertas / Johnny Calderón @jwfilms.peru
Assistant Coordinator: Diego Nuñez @diegonunezrodas
Props: Bayron Arica @bayronarica / Christopher Mogollón @christophermogollonisidro
Product Treatment: Napoleon Quintana @naponatorquintana
Art Director: Luciana Masias @raspberryblood__
Art Production: Catherine Navarrete @cathe.n / Pamela Delgado / Lorena Infante
Wardrobe: Tsiulang Chiang @ tsiulang
Make-up: Susana Leyva
Logistics: Patricia Calva @patty_ivanna.13
Casting: Carisma Sideral @carismasideral
Security: Víctor Condezo @victorarturocondezo
Transportation: Coco Cárdenas @ckarloscardenas
Catering: Gourmet @cateringgourmetfilms
Post Supervisor/Offline y Online: Oscar Ballón @okimcdoki
Offline/Online: Nativo @nativostudiopost
Audio: Zumba @zumba_audio