Our consumer decisions can influence people in other parts of the globe. For instance, when buying new clothes we contribute to water shortages, because production of clothes requires huge amounts of water. One might say that our clothes suck in water and threaten well-being of people who live thousands of miles away. Shouldn’t we buy clothes, then? No, that’s not the point. Instead, we should take better care of the clothes that we have and wear them for longer. Therefore Vanish, a washing additive that helps preserve clothes in better shape, came up with a series of striking images.
This professional campaign titled 'It takes lots of water to make clothes. Wear them longer' was published in Poland in June, 2022. It was created for the brand: Vanish, by ad agency: Havas Warsaw. This Design, Digital, and Print media campaign contains 3 media assets. It was submitted about 2 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Havas Warsaw
Production: Agnieszka Wiewiórska
Creative Director: Rafał Ryś
Art Director: Mateusz Bruchacki
Copywriter: Mikołaj Pawlak
3d artist: Bartosz Morawski
Concept artist: Jacek Gierlasiński