This professional campaign titled 'Husband, Boss, Girlfriend' was published in India in May, 2013. It was created for the brand: Bangalore traffic police, by ad agency: Ogilvy. This Print medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted over 11 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Ogilvy, India
National Creative Directors: Rajiv Rao, Abhijit Avasthi
Executive Creative Director: Joono Simon
Creative Director: Shamik Sen Gupta
Art Director: Vinci Raj
Copywriters: Sraman Majumdar
Photography: Koppula Photography
Illustrators: Jhona, Anil, Siva
3D: Zoetropeican
Retoucher: Image Rom studio, Irfan
Account Management: Simi, Ramanan, Sandeep, Varun
Production: Vinayan
Additional Advertising Agencys: Nidhin, Ramji, Ayelin, Leo, Raghu