Ad Council Autism Speaks

Eye Contact Installation

Agency: BBDO


On behalf of Autism Speaks and The Ad Council, BBDO created a unique 3-D interactive installation, that brought to life the early indicators of autism. The installation featured a video of a little girl who exhibited key indicators of autism. Observers were able to directly affect her reactions through their own movements, as captured by a 3D camera. Once they stepped in front of the screen, it became clear from the girl's body language that she was not open to interaction as she averted her gaze. Additional signage informed the viewer that not making eye contact can be a sign of autism.

This professional campaign titled 'Eye Contact Installation' was published in United States in April, 2011. It was created for the brands: Ad Council and Autism Speaks, by ad agency: BBDO. This OOH Outdoor medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 13 years ago.


Advertising Agency: BBDO New York, USA

Chief Creative Officer: David Lubars

Executive Creative Director: Ronald Ng

Creative Director / Art Director: Tim Wettstein

Creative Direcor / Copywriter: Patrick Herold

Director of Creative Engineering: JD Michaels

Production Company: Grant Ave
Director: Marjo Tremblay

Director of Photography: Paul Blain

Executive Producer: Michael Ching

Visual Effects Company: Float Hybrid Entertainment

Visual Effects Director: John Gaeta

Digital Arts Supervisor: Peter Oberdorfer

Gesture Control Engineers: David Bennett, David Tim Nyo

Videographer: Dennis Liu

Jack Daniel's
Dunkin' Donuts


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