After around six centuries of April Fool's Day celebrations, the predictable pranks played by a few at the expense of many had shifted the sentiment from festive surprise to widespread boredom and irritation.
Bingo! Mad Angles - a brand that champions to find a mad solution for every problem thought to empower the victims, or should we say ‘emflower’ people against pranksters.
This professional campaign titled 'Bingo! Mad Angles Phool ' was published in India in March, 2024. It was created for the brand: Bingo, by ad agency: Pixelfox. This Digital medium campaign is related to the Confectionery, Snacks and Food industries and contains 2 media assets. It was submitted 8 days ago by Co-Founder: Amit Damani of Pixelfox.
Co-Founders: Amit Damani, Krutika Damani
Associate Creative Director: Devidas Dalvi
Account Managers: Komal Gupta, Aditya Gupta
Senior Visualizer: Ashish Jadhav
Creative Lead (Video/Films): Vishal Chavan
Senior Video Editor: Nimesh Shinde
Senior Motion Graphic Animator: Suraj Soni
Motion Graphic Team: Manasi Sutar, Swapnil Gore, Rohit Govekar
Senior Business Growth: Tanisha Jain
Social Media Executive: Rashi Khosla