
As seen in Canada

Agency: Goodby Silverstein & Partners

Canada couldn't see the Super Bowl ads. So re reenacted them.

Canada couldn't see the Super Bowl ads. So we reenacted them.


Let's face it, most people watch the Super Bowl for the commercials.
In fact, 80% of Canadians would rather watch the ads than the game itself. But in 2019, Canada made it illegal for the US ads to air on the Canadian broadcast. So unless they hunt them down online, most Canadians will never see them. As one of the Super Bowl's most iconic brands, Doritos wanted to help. But how could we without getting into legal trouble?

We analyzed the past decade of Super Bowl ads, identifying tropes that showed up again and again-celebrities, animals, car chases and lots of horses selling beer. Then we filmed two Canadian comedians watching and reenacting these ads
As the real spots were released, we edited our footage to match, as close as we legally could. Then we launched our reenactments on social, giving Canadians a taste of what they missed. You're welcome, Canada.

This professional campaign titled 'As seen in Canada' was published in Canada and United States in February, 2024. It was created for the brand: Doritos, by ad agency: Goodby Silverstein & Partners. This campaign is related to the Food industry and contains 2 media assets. It was submitted 3 months ago.


CCO: Margaret Johnson.
ECD: Stefan Copiz, Eamonn Dixon.
CD: Kurt Mills, Daniel Righi.
ACD: Gabe Sherman.
Senior Art Director: Guillermo Aliaga Pueyrredon.
Senior Copywriter: Belen Russomanno.
Producer: Olivia Baker.
Account Manager: Ellen Miller.
Account Director: Ryan Little.
Group Account Director: Chris Nilsen.
Brand Strategy Director: Simran Kaur.
Group Communication Strategy Director: Caitlin Neelon.

Production Company: MJZ
Director: Gary Freedman
DOP: Trent Opaloch

Prefeitura de J...


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