This professional campaign titled 'Apparatus, Assembly line' was published in India in June, 2010. It was created for the brands: Cholayil and Medimix, by ad agency: Creativeland Asia. This Print medium campaign is related to the Health industry and contains 2 media assets. It was submitted about 14 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Creativeland Asia, Mumbai, India
Chief Creative Officer: Sajan Raj Kurup
Executive Creative Director: Vikram Gaikwad
Creative Director: Anu Joseph
Copywriters: Anu Joseph, Sajan Raj Kurup
Art Director: Shirin Johari
Photographer: Prateeksh Mehra
Typographer: Mahadeo Sawant
Other Advertising Agencys: Prakash Mohite
Advertiser's Supervisors: Pradeep V S, Nivas Salian
Account Supervisors: Hiral Vasani, Parineeta Gopal