This professional campaign titled 'Advanced State of Mind' was published in India in February, 2011. It was created for the brand: Audi, by ad agency: Creativeland Asia. This Film medium campaign is related to the Automotive industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 13 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Creativeland Asia, India
Creative Director: Sajan Raj Kurup
Creative Operations Partner: Kiran Nandwani
Production Company: The Mill, Crocodile Films
Director: Russell Tickner
Executive Producers: Andy Orrick, Sajiv Kurup
Producers: Ian Berry, Josh Davies, Kristyna Podolska
Creative Director, Digital: Rodrigo Sobral
Creative Technologist: Tony Volpe
Storyboarder: John Colebourn
Digital Build Partner: Disturb Media
Music Director: Vicky Goswami
Sound: Jiten
Editing Company: The Mill
Editor: Daniel Budin
Edit Assist: James Mortner / Digital
Post-Production / VFX Company: The Mill London
VFX Producer: Rahel Makonnen
Shoot Supervisor: Suraj Odera
2D Lead Artists: David Lee, Rob Rostek, Paul Kennerley
3D Lead Artists: Suraj Odedra
2D Artists: Jerome Lionard, John Thornton
3D Artists: Adrien Flanquart, Karl Shudeck, Dan Moore, Johannes Richter, Tom Bardwell, Yannick Lecroffe, Nikki Atkinson, Chris McDonald, Tom Raynor
Motion Graphics: Adam Brandon, Ollie Walsh, Irrum Khan
Colourist: Adam Scott
Colour Producer: Cath Short