Ministry of Health

عيشها بصحة

School: Faculty of Applied Arts


مبادرة توعوية بمخاطر السكريات و الاملاح علي الاطفال الرضع و المشاكل التي تسببها المدي البعيد.
An awareness initiative of the dangers of sugars and salts to infants and child and the problems caused by them in the long run.

This student campaign titled 'عيشها بصحة' was published on August 12, 2023. It was created for the brand: Ministry of Health, by ad school: Faculty of Applied Arts. This Design, OOH Outdoor, and Print media campaign is related to the Fitness, Health, and Sports industries and contains 4 media assets. It was submitted over 1 year ago by egypy: yara Ayman.


Designer : Yara Ayman Atya
Advertising School: Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University, Damietta, Egypt


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