
Travel Card Renewal Journey

Agency: Brodmann


Cards and online banking are having a bit of a struggle after the crisis that the country went through, some people found the need at some point to have a car but since the country’s infrastructure is not built for digital payments, people find themselves managing with cash only.
So those who already have a card do not find the need to renew it.

Switch noticed that a large number of cards would expire soon and wanted to launch a call-to-action campaign asking people to renew their cards.
So the call to action was built in a way to take the users on an expiry journey with a countdown and different CTAs urging them to renew.

This professional campaign titled 'Travel Card Renewal Journey ' was published in Iraq in April, 2022. It was created for the brand: Switch, by ad agency: Brodmann. This Content and Design media campaign is related to the Electronics, Technology, Finance, and Other industries and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted over 1 year ago.


- Agency: Brodmann , Iraq – Sulyimaniah
- Art Director: Mohammad Jameel
- 3D Animator: Peshang Ahmed
- Arabic Copywriter: Samah Mohammad
- Kurdish Copywriter: Aso Hawrami


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