
The Picha Project



Amidst a burgeoning refugee crisis, the struggle to put food on the table is a difficult reality for refugees seeking asylum in unfamiliar territory. PichaEats (formerly known as The Picha Project) a Kuala Lumpur-based, food business which partners refugees in Malaysia in a sustainable catering and delivery business, has released a video ahead of Ramadan to bring to light how the simple act of enjoying a meal could change lives.
Conceptualized by social marketing agency, GOODSTUPH in partnership with Reel Loco Productions and Song Zu Singapore, the video aims to deliver stunning cinematic #foodporn against the harsh realities of life as a refugee, by spotlighting the true story of Syrian refugee and Picha Chef, Rania. The narrative of her family’s escape from war-torn Raqqa and the tragedies that accompany it, runs parallel with the preparation of her signature Fattet Magdoos, a traditional stuffed eggplant casserole dish served with fried Arabic bread.

This professional campaign titled 'The Picha Project' was published in Singapore in April, 2019. It was created for the brand: PichaEats, by ad agency: GOODSTUPH. This Digital medium campaign is related to the Food industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted about 5 years ago.


Advertising Agency: GOODSTUPH, Singapore
Executive Creative Director: Alan Leong
Art: Janice Lin
Copy: Issa Mauricio, Sam Ezra Chui
Director: Shaun Yeo/ Reel Loco Productions
Executive Producer: Joey Chan/ Reel Loco Productions
Photography: Jayden Tan / Nik Voon
Account Lead: Sam Ezra Chui
Sound Design: Dione Tan / Song Zu Singapore


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