
Story Telling by Display Banner

Agency: Asiatic Marketing Communications Limited


From a brand’s perspective, it’s important/ must to communicate multiple product propositions with the TG to meet brand/ communication objective. Display being a strategic digital placement for brand has its visibility limitation & it is challenging to communicate multiple product attributes.

To address this challenge our objective was to come up with an innovative solution that will communicate multiple brand propositions in a form of one wholistic storytelling approach without compromising the quality of viewability & catch the attention of audience in a cluttered digital space.
As display banner being a cost efficient for brands in digital space, we crossmatched it with the insight derived & thought how to make display banner communication more enjoyable, eye-catchy & unique; to result increased brand visibility.

So, as a solution we wanted to come up with the synchronized banner format by strategically placing the banners in such a way that not only will catch the attention of the TG but also achieve the objective of communicating each of the propositions clearly for the whole comprehensive storytelling.

So, we partnered with top local portals of Bangladesh to take left, middle & right banner placement in articles & synchronize them to create a smooth flow of communication. We delivered the story by placing each of the propositions in each of the 3 banners, we placed the product, brand, new packaging & its benefits starting from the left banner, flowing through the middle & finishing in the right banner.

The wholistic communication with the most visible premium placements helped the brand to achieve reach 1.8M+ audience serving 2.4M+ impressions. CTR increased 15% compared to conventional banners which ensured 100 viewability.

This professional campaign titled 'Story Telling by Display Banner' was published in Bangladesh in September, 2022. It was created for the brand: Marico, by ad agency: Asiatic Marketing Communications Limited. This Digital, Experiential, and Integrated media campaign is related to the Beauty and Health industries and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted almost 2 years ago.


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