
Sculpt your Lego

School: MADS


Lego is not only a brick but a unique design patented in 1961. The company releases a press-form that allows every child to sculpt their own Lego parts using clay soil as the most accessible source. The building material would be poured into the form and pressurized by the top lid. After solidifying, the soil turns into standard-formed Lego bricks.

This student campaign titled 'Sculpt your Lego' was published in Russia in February, 2021. It was created for the brand: Lego, by ad school: MADS. This Direct medium campaign is related to the Public Interest and Toys industries and contains 2 media assets. It was submitted over 3 years ago by Creative Strategist: Nataliia Dotsenko of Algorithm .


Advertising School: MADS, Moscow, Russian Federation
Creative Strategist: Nataliia Dotsenko
Copywriter: Nikita Lupulenko
Copywriter: Daniil Tkachenko
Art Director: Mariia Borovskaya
Tutor: Nataliia Benivska
Tutor: Andrey Potekhin
Executive Tutor: Arina Avdeeva

House of Lapland


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