Plaza Claro

Pet friendly shopping mall

Agency: Havas Colombia


Plaza Claro Mall understood that being pet-friendly is not just about allowing pets in the mall's public spaces, which could be stressful for them. It is about creating dedicated pet spaces where they and their owners can enjoy themselves while shopping at their favorite stores and restaurants. With this digital and out-of-home (OOH) campaign, we aim to explain this new service, highlighting the fun and convenience it offers to both pets and their owners.

This professional campaign titled 'Pet friendly shopping mall' was published in Colombia in July, 2023. It was created for the brand: Plaza Claro, by ad agency: Havas Colombia. This Integrated medium campaign is related to the Finance, Pets, and Retail Services industries and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted 11 months ago by Jose Prieto: Jose Prieto of Havas Colombia.


Advertising Agency: Havas, Colombia
Production Company: Havas Colombia

Chief Creative Officer: Horacio Maggi
Executive Creative Director: Diego Tovar
Creative Director: Jose Prieto
Creative Director: Ronal Guerrero


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