
One in six US workers is an immigrant. Historically, the Budweiser brand has catered to more of a conservative audience, one that has overlooked diversity. This 4th of July, in celebration of our shared heritage as a nation of immigrants, we will exchange 1 can in every 6 pack of Budweiser for one of the specially designed cans commemorating immigrants' success stories.​#freedomseekers #oneinsix

This student campaign titled 'One In Six' was published in United States in May, 2020. It was created for the brand: Budweiser, by ad school: Savannah College of Art and Design. This Integrated medium campaign is related to the Alcoholic Drinks industry and contains 6 media assets. It was submitted about 4 years ago by Art Director: Vy Phan of Student.


Advertising School: Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, United States of America
Art Director: Vy Phan
Art Director: Remy James
Art Director: Van Pham
Copywriter: Alberto Cuadra
Copywriter: Hope Thomas
Copywriter: Sydney Solis

Experience Makkah
The New York Times


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