Weisman Art Museum

Just Yesterday

Agency: Solve


This summer, Weisman Art Museum presents a new public art installation, Just Yesterday. The 60-foot wraparound mural will be on prominent display over the summer along the exterior façade of the museum at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus. The installation launched May 17th and will be on view until October 1, 2021. In addition to the installation, a screen-printed edition of each poster will be considered for Weisman’s permanent collection.
Just Yesterday was conceived as part of an initiative by Minneapolis advertising agency Solve and interning Art Director Mike Gaines and first year Copywriter Maggie Williams during the protests that swept the world in 2020. The series uses iconic pop culture references to put systemic injustices from our recent past into context—injustices that continue to oppress communities of color to this day.
As Gaines says of the series, “The posters are meant to evoke the feeling of nostalgia, like a BuzzFeed quiz or the print version of clickbait. The images and color draw you in, which is how the real message catches you unaware—a gut punch you aren’t expecting.”
Williams adds, “I think for a lot of white Americans, there’s a disconnect between the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and the present-day racial justice movement.” She goes on, “In some ways, since the Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, and Fair Housing Act were passed, it’s gotten harder for our society to address racism head-on because white people feel like those pieces of legislation put it to rest, that our society is somehow ‘post-racial.’ With this series, we used pop-culture touchstones to show people just how recent all of this institutional progress is. And it isn’t over yet. How can it be? This all happened just yesterday.”
When approached to collaborate with Solve and the series creators to mount an exhibition of the eye-catching posters, the Weisman’s staff embraced the opportunity to cultivate deeper conversations on systemic racism, past and present.

This professional campaign titled 'Just Yesterday' was published in United States in May, 2021. It was created for the brand: Weisman Art Museum, by ad agency: Solve. This OOH Outdoor medium campaign is related to the Recreation, Leisure industry and contains 8 media assets. It was submitted about 3 years ago.


Advertising Agency: Solve, USA
Art Director: Mike Gaines
Copywriter: Maggie Williams
CD, Designer: Sean Smith
CD, Copywriter: Brian Platt
Project Manager, Producer: Kara Brower
Account Supervisor: Micaela Krause-Anlauf
Designer: Jarin Simon
Creative: Annie Seng
Creative: Olivia Childs
Creative: Rob Atkinson
Creative: Emily Allison
Creative: Rioko Sponslier
Mural Installation: Pixelwerx
Printer: Kid Icarus


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