Gay Times Amplifund

It can happen, it does happen, it will happen

Agency: Grey


The campaign centres around three phrases, ‘it can happen,’ ‘it does happen,’ and ‘it will happen,’ to challenge how we perceive queer livelihoods, and features stories from LGBTQ+ individuals living in Jamaica, Iraq and Armenia. Their words are displayed in a unique and striking fashion with the personal stories mixed in emotions, from inspirational and uplifting to a solemn tone, allowing the audience an exclusive insight into the everyday experiences. These experiences are enlightening, encouraging LGBTQ+ audiences here in the UK to challenge how they perceive the lives of their LGBTQ+ siblings in other countries.
GAY TIMES Amplifund is working tirelessly to educate media outlets in the best ways to talk about and promote LGBTQ+ stories, as well as handing over UK media spaces to partner charities to share their points of view in the western world too. The latest social and digital images from Grey London drive audiences to the online hub where they can read of experiences and perspectives that differ from their own.

This professional campaign titled 'It can happen, it does happen, it will happen' was published in United Kingdom in August, 2020. It was created for the brands: Amplifund and Gay Times, by ad agency: Grey. This OOH Outdoor medium campaign is related to the Media and Public Interest industries and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted almost 4 years ago by Creative: Ryan Delaney of Grey.


Advertising Agency: Grey London, UK
Chief Creative Officer: Laura Jordan-Bambach
Creative Director: Sue Higgs
Art Director: Ryan Delaney
Copywriter: Emma Thomas
Account Lead/SVP: Mohamed Kahwaji
Planning Director: Daniel Sherrard
Design Lead: Michael Stephens
Designer: Stuart Leung
Mediacom: John Beardsworth
CEO Gay Times: Tag Warner
Editorial Director: Lewis Corner
Executive Creative Director: Josh Fletcher
Client Services Director: Georgie Frampton
Business Services: Layla Soufi
Marketing: Jared Fleming

Woodford Reserve
Tata Pravesh


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