ONG Paz Sem Fronteiras

I'm Not Important, I Deserve to Be Alone

School: Universidade de Fortaleza


A non-stopping fight is affecting us daily. Invisible, but powerful, our greatest enemy is in ourselves. It hurts, but every wound, every scar only makes us stronger. You can win this battle. Call 141 and win this combat! End the war inside you and bring peace to your life.

This student campaign titled 'I'm Not Important, I Deserve to Be Alone' was published in Brazil in May, 2016. It was created for the brand: ONG Paz Sem Fronteiras, by ad school: Universidade de Fortaleza. This Print medium campaign is related to the Recreation, Leisure industry and contains 2 media assets. It was submitted almost 6 years ago.


Advertising School: Universidade de Fortaleza, Fortaleza - CE, Brazil
Creative Director: Cláudio Sena
Art Director: Barbarah Freire
Copywriter: Iana Couto
Photographer: Iara Pereira
Models: Laís Tavares, João Lucas Diógenes

Indomie Noodles


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