Visit North Carolina

For Real, Visit NC

Agency: Luquire


We travel to discover new places, to create real emotional connections with others and to experience things that are new and different. But when a destination becomes too touristy, manufactured or lacks authenticity, those things start to become less rewarding.
Everything about North Carolina is authentic. Our welcoming people, unique experiences, our culture, food and incredible scenic beauty. So if you’re looking for richer experiences, get real experiences. For real, Visit North Carolina.

This professional campaign titled 'For Real, Visit NC' was published in United States in May, 2023. It was created for the brand: Visit North Carolina, by ad agency: Luquire. This Film, Integrated, and Print media campaign is related to the Travel and Tourism industry and contains 7 media assets. It was submitted 5 months ago.


Brand: Visit North Carolina
Agency: Luquire (Charlotte, NC)
Chief Creative Officer: Glen Hilzinger
Group Creative Director: Brad Williams
Group Creative Director: Jenny Grant
Creative Director / Art: Josh Taguiam
Associate Creative Director/Copy: Jonathan Fernandez
Head of Production/EP: Nancy Landesburg
Director of Travel and Recreation Brands: Scott Gilmore
Account Director: Kylee Sprengel
Senior Project Manager: Katie Hamilton
Social Media Account Executive: Maggie Carpenter
Integrated Media Planner: Aly Svinte
Director of Media: Nichole Maggio
Production Company: Picture North
Executive Producer: Neha Schultz
Co-directors: Martin Rodahl / Ryan Patrick
Unut Director / Drone OP: Simeon Pratt
DP: Matthew Pothier
Photographer: Kate Warren
Video Editor: Christine Wolf

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