First in Line

Agency: Mods360


Get ready for a heartwarming journey in the midst of a chaotic Chinese New Year's Eve traffic jam! Join Ah Hock as he battles frustration in the carpark, determined to make it to his Reunion Dinner. Little does he know that a simple act of impatience, expressed through his horn, sets off a unique musical collaboration. Watch as the honks of Ah Tan blend into a delightful melody, bringing people together in the carpark for an unexpected celebration. As the harmony unfolds, witness the transformation from chaos to camaraderie, with smiles and courtesies replacing the initial rush. Watch this uplifting short film, where the magic of the season is found in the unlikeliest of places!

This professional campaign titled 'First in Line' was published in Malaysia in January, 2024. It was created by ad agency: Mods360. This Film medium campaign is related to the Agency Self-Promo industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted 4 months ago.

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