Change the Ref

Bring Back Lockdown

Agency: Ogilvy


Non-profit organization Change The Ref (CTR) is on a mission to maintain awareness about school shootings. It’s their hope that a new disruptive campaign – Bring Back Lockdown – will do just that by urging Americans to push their representatives to legislate stricter gun control measures.
Gun-related violence in schools is a pervasive issue and has greatly increased in recent years. However, for the first time in decades, school shootings stats have decreased – only due to the COVID-19 lockdown. It’s shocking to think that it took a global pandemic to reduce America’s school violence epidemic; but it’s important for people to realize that one problem (COVID-19 pandemic) can’t be the only way to solve another problem (school shootings). Children should feel safe in their schools regardless of societal conditions.
As the world opens and people reemerge, school shooting survivors are making their voices heard – they demand action; they demand security. ‘Bring Back Lockdown’ leverages CTR’s use of urban art and nonviolent creative confrontation to expose the disastrous effects of the mass shooting pandemic to spark the conversation from the ground up. The film is a creative misdirection on Covid and the resulting lockdown. Its intention is to make people stop and think. Featuring Parkland student liana Waitze Zuckerman, 'Bring Back Lockdown’ leverages the Covid lockdown as a metaphor intended to spark debate and encourage people to visit, where they can petition their local congressperson, pressuring them to act on gun reforms.

This professional campaign titled 'Bring Back Lockdown' was published in United States in May, 2021. It was created for the brand: Change the Ref, by ad agency: Ogilvy. This Film medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted about 3 years ago by Chief Communications Officer: David Ford of Ogilvy.


Advertising Agency: Ogilvy, New York, United States of America


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