
80s AI 'icons' love these playful protein snacks

Yummo's AI 80s fitness icon, Spandex Steve, approves of their protein bars

AI 80s icon, Fiona Flashdance, is a big fan of Yummo's protein cookies

AI 80s rock legend Shredder from the band Flex Appeal is all over Yummo's protein bars

AI 80s hop hop legend, Post-Run DMC, loves a Yummo's protein bar

80s AI fitness icon Spandex Steve joins the Yummo's hype


Nutrition snack brand Yummo's recently ran AI-led creative that embraced their nostalgic and playful side.

The campaign used AI-generated, retro 'icons' to endorse their snacks, and made them the stars of billboard statics and old-school infomercial shorts.

This professional campaign titled '80s AI 'icons' love these playful protein snacks' was published in United Kingdom in September, 2023. It was created for the brand: Yummo's, . This Content, Design, and Digital media campaign is related to the Confectionery, Snacks, Fitness, and Food industries and contains 5 media assets. It was submitted 9 months ago.


Senior Copywriter: Ellis Di Cataldo
Creative Director: Darren Marks


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