Part of the Clio Network
Founded on May 5, '86. I have worked with the following brands: Ales, Burger King, Pizza Hut, KFC, Marcimex, Aseguradora del Sur, Geely Auto, Mercedes Benz, Suzuki, Chevrolet, Equair, Laboratorios Bagó, Abbott, Grupo Farma del Ecuador, Produbanco, Banco Internacional, Seguros Equinoccial, Todohogar/Sukasa, Tropi Burger, Juan Valdez, Baskin Robbins, Menestras del Negro, Cajun, El Español, American Deli, Quifatex, Presidencia y Vicepresidencia del Ecuador, IEPI, Ministerio de Minas, in addition to more than 20 bids won so far.
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