We created a real-life replica of a fictional video game weapon and asked unsuspecting people in New York to pose with it for a pop-up photoshoot. The participants did not know that the weapon prop was rigged to generate a recoil effect which was trigged via remote control. A police car and a mailbox were also rigged and synced with the weapon recoil to pop open when the weapon was pointed at them. Hidden cameras captured the shocked reactions of the participants who thought they caused some serious damage by accidentally pulling the trigger.
This professional campaign titled 'Video Game Weapon Prank' was published in United States in July, 2019. It was created for the brand: Warframe, by ad agency: whoisthebaldguy. This Experiential medium campaign is related to the Gaming industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 5 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Whoisthebaldguy, New York, USA
Creative Director: Michael Krivicka
Photographer: Stan Chan
Director of Photography: Nathan Lynch
Producer: Christopher Yoon