This professional campaign titled 'Unforgettable collection' was published in United States in November, 2014. It was created for the brand: Alzheimer's Foundation, by ad agency: Grupo Gallegos. This Digital medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted almost 10 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Grupo Gallegos, USA
CEO & Founder: John Gallegos
Chief Creative Officer: Marty Orzio
Executive Creative Director: Juan Oubina
Associate Creative Director: Jonatan Maldonado
Copywriters: Adrian Grünthal, Pablo Maldonado, Cameron Murray, Ana María Lazareff
Executive Producer: Carlos Barciela
Chief Marketing Officer: Jennifer Mull
Group Account Director: Jose Pablo Rodriguez
Account Supervisors: Alex Bellis, Jonathan Walan
Editorial House: Luna Post
Editor: Pablo Piriz
Music: Alexis Estiz
Sound Design & Mix: Alexis Estiz
Sound Engineer: Daniel Willy
Stock Imagery Website: IMGembed