“Turtle” was written and directed by Olivier Agostini as part of a crowd sourcing campaign for the brand, which he discovered on http://www.poptent.net The open brief for this project was centered around the concept that the new Jolly Rancher candy was crunchy and chewy.
Art Director: G.O. Burton
This professional campaign titled 'Turtle' was published in United States in January, 2012. It was created for the brand: Jolly Ranchers, . This Film medium campaign is related to the Confectionery, Snacks industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 12 years ago.
Director: Olivier Agostini
Production Company: Weird Pictures
Copywriter: Olivier Agostini
DP: Aaron Biller
Editor: Steven Cuellar
Production Designer: Jimmy L'ananas
Wardrobe Stylist: Marie-Pierre Agostini
VFX: Aaron Sjogren
Animal Wrangler: Stephanie Ghantous
SFX: Tyler Slade
Post: Co3