
“Turtle” was written and directed by Olivier Agostini as part of a crowd sourcing campaign for the brand, which he discovered on The open brief for this project was centered around the concept that the new Jolly Rancher candy was crunchy and chewy.
Art Director: G.O. Burton

This professional campaign titled 'Turtle' was published in United States in January, 2012. It was created for the brand: Jolly Ranchers, . This Film medium campaign is related to the Confectionery, Snacks industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 12 years ago.


Director: Olivier Agostini
Production Company: Weird Pictures
Copywriter: Olivier Agostini
DP: Aaron Biller
Editor: Steven Cuellar
Production Designer: Jimmy L'ananas
Wardrobe Stylist: Marie-Pierre Agostini
VFX: Aaron Sjogren
Animal Wrangler: Stephanie Ghantous
SFX: Tyler Slade
Post: Co3


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