Trash cans


Café Brazil, Auckland's most awarded caffeine dispensary, recently caused a stir with a bold ambient campaign.
Trash cans for a block either side of the café on K Road were dressed up as giant takeout coffee cups, complete with oversized wooden stirrers. Authentic-looking cardboard cup holders featured the message 'Coffee taste like crap?' An arrow pointed up the road towards "Brazil, K Road's best."
By sheer coincidence, one of the specially-dressed trash cans happened to be outside a branch of Starbucks. Staff from the star-spangled champion of good coffee failed to see the humor involved - and shredded the offending material before stamping it into the trash can.

This professional campaign titled 'Trash cans' was published on May 19, 2006. This Ambient medium campaign is related to the Soft Drinks industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted about 18 years ago.


Client: Café Brazil
Advertising Agency: Draft New Zealand
Creatives: Tony Clewett and Rob Banks
Account service: Martin Scragg



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