To promote Persil’s new capsules, we created a touching three-minute film starring Arsenal and England star Bukayo Saka. The story follows the journey of a young Arsenal fan whose prized shirt, signed by his idol, falls victim to an unexpected villain – Persil’s new capsules with first-time stain removal.
But every great film, deserves a poster…or seven. That’s why we teased the film with a hand-crafted poster campaign all over North London, featuring a little secret: seven of the posters bore the authentic signature of Saka, turning our outdoor advertising into highly sought-after collector’s items.
This professional campaign titled 'THE AUTOGRAPH' was published in Spain in April, 2024. It was created for the brand: Persil, by ad agency: LOLA MullenLowe. This Integrated medium campaign is related to the Household Products industry and contains 8 media assets. It was submitted 5 months ago.