This professional campaign titled 'Secret Race Battle' was published in The Netherlands in March, 2011. It was created for the brand: Hot Wheels, by ad agency: Muse. This Ambient medium campaign is related to the Gaming industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 13 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Muse, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Creative Director: Sander Ejlenberg
Art Director: Philia Beroud
Client Services Director: Michael Littaur
Project Managers: Bert-Jan Strating, Wouter Donkers
Design: Magnus Löwing , Elano Collaco do Monte Teixeira
Strategy: Karlijn van den Berg
Production / Animation: PostPanic
Directors: Justin Blyth, Chris Staves, Mischa Rozema
Technical supervision: Beam Systems
Local Agency: 2Fish
Hardware: TDC
Sound design: MassiveMusic