Schedule Planner, Cubicles, Straphangers, Complex, Taxi, ...
Agency: BooneOakley
This simple, voiceless campaign is titled “BOX –> OBX.” “OBX” is the Outer Banks’ signature oval destination sticker, as well as the first three characters on all Outer Banks license plates. “BOX,” of course, is what you might be in if you commute on smoggy 8-lane thruways or taxi through grid-locked city streets, if your eyes stay glued to a data-entry screen or you work late nights in a featureless complex. This campaign is like a traditional product demo (minus the shouting spokesperson), where you see the benefit happen in front of your eyes. Instead of the cleanser that removes grass and wine stains, or the knife so sharp it can cut a shoe, in our case, it’s the barrier islands that can cure the common city.”
This professional campaign titled 'Schedule Planner, Cubicles, Straphangers, Complex, Taxi, ...' was published in United States in April, 2018. It was created for the brand: Outer Banks Visitors Bureau, by ad agency: BooneOakley. This OOH Outdoor medium campaign is related to the Hospitality, Tourism industry and contains 7 media assets. It was submitted almost 7 years ago.
Advertising Agency: BooneOakley, Charlotte, USA
Creative Directors: David Oakley, Jim Mountjoy
Art Director / Designer: Laura Beebe
Copywriters: David Oakley, Steve Lasch
Agency Producer: Laura George
Agency Director: Claire Oakley
AE: Katie Casella
Photography (scenic): Harry De Zitter, Olaf Veltman
Photography (urban): stock