This professional campaign titled 'Power of a Coin' was published in Germany in May, 2016. It was created for the brand: Misereor, by ad agency: Kolle Rebbe. This OOH Outdoor medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted about 12 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Kolle Rebbe, Hamburg, Germany
Creative Director: Rolf Leger
Art Directors: Felix Schulz, Matthias Grotter
Copywriter: Sascha Petersen
Illustrator: Bomboland
Idea: Felix Schulz, Justin Landon
Konzept: Felix Schulz
Realisations: Thomas Beecken Realisations
Artbuying: Emanuel Mugrauer, Katja Sluter
Interactive Development: Wadim Filipov, Tom Schallberger
Account Managers: Jessica Gustafsson, Jan Kowalsky, Guido Block, Rocco Snow
Online Creative Direction: Matthias Erb
Event Manager: Olaf Juergens