The childlike happiness inspired by Haribo sweets strikes at two bored police officers in the latest film in the long-running Kids’ Voices campaign, created by Quiet Storm. The police are on a routine job to monitor the speed of motorists on a particularly quiet stretch of road. Their boredom turns to delight when one of the officers opens a bag of Haribo Starmix, inspiring his colleague to release his inner child, making up a story about cops and robbers using the iconic sweets from Starmix.
This professional campaign titled 'Police' was published in United Kingdom in March, 2020. It was created for the brand: Haribo, by ad agency: Quiet Storm. This Film medium campaign is related to the Confectionery, Snacks industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 4 years ago.
Creative Director: Trevor Robinson
Planner: Jon Howard
Art Director: Seb Jamous
Copywriter: Harry Iddon
Account Directors: Jenna Hayward, Jon Dale
Agency Producer: Igor Degtariev
Director/ Production Co: Seb Jamous / Quiet Storm
Producer: Igor Degtariev
Editor: David Owen
Post Production: Quiet Storm
Sound Design: Creative Outpost
DOP: Callan Green
Media: Mindshare