Agency: Goodby Silverstein & Partners
This professional campaign titled 'Palin' was published in United States in October, 2008. It was created by ad agency: Goodby Silverstein & Partners. This Film medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted almost 16 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Goodby Silverstein & Partners, USA
Creative Director: Jamie Barrett
Copywriters: Jamie Barrett, Craig Mangan, Rafi Kugler
Producer / Editor of news footage: Timothy Plain
Production Company: Biscuit Filmworks USA
Director: Clay Weiner
Sr. Executive Producer: Shawn Lacy
Executive Producer: Holly Vega
Line Producer: Lisa Stockdale
Editorial Company: Spotwelders
Editor: Brad Waskewich
Executive Producer: David Glean
Visual Effects: A52
Executive Producer: Ron Cosentino
VFX Supervisor: Patrick Murphy
Compositors: Joe Chiechi, Mark Heiliger, Shahana Kahn, Erin Bosworth