One of Us

Agency: Innocean

This professional campaign titled 'One of Us' was published in Germany in July, 2020. It was created for the brand: KIA, by ad agency: Innocean. This Film medium campaign is related to the Automotive industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted about 4 years ago.


Advertising Agency: Innocean Worldwide, Germany
Chief Creative Officer: Gabriel Mattar
Executive Creative Director: Ricardo Wolff
Copywriter: Jack Christensen, Pedro Lourenço
Art Director: Stefano De Luccia, José Gomes
Account director: Alessia Bellini
Head of TV: Fabian Barz
Agency Producer: Michael Endres
Director: Bjorn Ruhmann
DoP: Justin Brown
Production company: Zauberberg
Executive producer: Jakob Ruhle
Producer: Julianne Ellrich
Post producer: Kristin Geyer
Composers: Lucas Mayer, Markus Thomas
Edit: Zauberberg / Room
Editor: Thomas Wedekind
Post house: Room Berlin
VP Marketing: Artur Martins


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