This professional campaign titled 'Never settle' was published in India in March, 2016. It was created for the brand: OnePlus, by ad agency: Orchard. This Film medium campaign is related to the Electronics, Technology industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 8 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Orchard Advertising, Bangalore, India
Executive Creative Directors: Vinod Lal Heera Eshwer, Neel Roy
Copywriter: Vinod Lal Heera Eshwer
Production Company: Seventy Agency
Executive Producer: Jacob Fant
Producer: Petter Hansson
Director of Photography: Pelle Hallert
Production manager: Maria Billberg
Post Production Supervisor: Petter Hansson
Editor: Camilo Altera
Online editor: Unsiel Bautista
Sound Engineer: Istvan Stenberg
Grade: Sebastian Guest
Director: Camilo Altera