
This professional campaign titled 'Kiss' was published on May 01, 2007. This Film medium campaign is related to the Personal Accessories industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 17 years ago.


Production Company: Tool of North America, Santa Monica
Director: Geordie Stephens
DP: Rhet Baer
Producer: Jeff Tanner
Executive Producers: Brian Latt, Jennifer Siegel
Advertising Agency: Cutwater
Creative Directors: Chuck McBride, Travis Britton
Copywriter: Jaime Robinson
Art Director: Lauren Harwell
Agency Producers: Jennifer Golub
Editorial and VFX Company: Cosmo Street
Editor: Steve Prestemon
VFX Producer: Andrea Bustabade
Music and Sound Design Company: Beacon Street Studios
Composer: Andrew Feltenstein
Sound Designer: Brian Chapman


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