The bank is promoting a credit line, when any person could take money for any purposes. The main feature of this credit line is that it is very easy to obtain a loan. Essentially, the person can just come and just take the money, i.e., the process is very simplified. Today, "Bereke Bank" occupies the fourth place in terms of capital among all banks in Kazakhstan
This professional campaign titled 'Just Take It! ' was published in Kazakhstan in November, 2022. It was created for the brand: Bereke Bank, by ad agency: TBWA\CAC. This OOH Outdoor medium campaign is related to the Finance industry and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted almost 2 years ago.
Advertising Agency: TBWA\CAC, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Client Service Director: Dana Raushanova
Account Manager: Dana Umraliyeva
Creative Director: Iliya Kodintsev
Art Director: Iliya Kodintsev
Copywriter: Askhat Orazayev
Designer: Askar Sergaziev