This professional campaign titled 'Inside Abbey Road' was published in United Kingdom in April, 2015. It was created for the brand: Google, by ad agency: Creative Lab. This Digital medium campaign is related to the Electronics, Technology industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 9 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Creative Lab / Google
Creatives: Graeme Hall, Tom Seymour
Production Company: Across The Pond
Director: Rob Blishen
DOP: Jake Polonsky
Production Designer: Nigel Howlett
Art Director: Jai Lusser
Post Production: Time Based Arts
Production Team: Jamie Davis, Dennis Olson, Charlie Bettice
Sound Designer: Rich Martin / Envy
VFX: Time Based Arts
VFX Supervisor: Mike Skrgatic, Ben Cantor
Flame: Mike Skrgatic, Luke Todd, Timo Huber
Nuke: Matt Shires, Leandro Vazques, Andre Dias, Ralf Briscoe, Dave Birkill
3D Artist: Ben Cantor
Smoke: Mike Aveling, Stephen Grasso
Photographer: George Daniell
Editor: Gavin Burridge
Tracking: Peanut
VFX Line Producer: Chris Aliano