Eleven International Migrants Day

Immigrant Inventions

Agency: Eleven


For World Migrants Day, we created posters that showcased famous parts of American culture introduced by immigrants. Our office is situated right next to ICE HQ in San Francisco and these posters went up on the windows so folks going to immigration office could see this message of solidarity.

This professional campaign titled 'Immigrant Inventions' was published in United States in December, 2019. It was created for the brands: Eleven and International Migrants Day, by ad agency: Eleven. This OOH Outdoor medium campaign is related to the Agency Self-Promo and Public Interest industries and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted about 5 years ago by CW: bello of eleven inc.


Advertising Agency: Eleven inc, San Francisco, United States of America
Cco: Mike McKay
Cd: Matthew Wakeman
Ad/ill: Paige Murphy
Ad: Stephen Hemenway
Cw: Dotun Bello

U.S. Census Bureau


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