Focus and activity
Main insight : ( back to school/university, Caffeine can improve students' focus and concentration)
Studying is tough and figuring out how to stay focused while studying is a challenge for all students in high school and university.
There is some evidence that suggests caffeine can help improve academic performance. Studies have also shown that coffee can have a positive effect on memory that helps in studying.
This student campaign titled 'Focus and activity' was published in Egypt and Jordan in December, 2022. It was created for the brand: Nescafe, . This Design, OOH Outdoor, and Print media campaign is related to the Soft Drinks industry and contains 8 media assets. It was submitted almost 2 years ago by Graphic Designer : Bahaa Abujalil.
Advertising Agency (School): Advertising 101
Production Company: Advertising 101
Art Director: Ahmed M. Elassi,
Senior Graphic Designer: Bahaa Abujalil
Copywriter: Mohamed Kamal,Mennat Ullah Tarek