
Fatboy search

Agency: 358


Challenge: Welho’s mission is to enable enjoyment for people. We believe that fast Internet is enjoyable. With this campaign Welho wanted to launch new faster broadband speeds.
Solution: We named the speeds so that they are easy to understand to everyone: S, M, L and XL. And we created symbols for each speed. We gave out fatboy stools, shaped as the new symbols, by hiding them in the streets and encouraging people to search for them in radio. The stools also help people to enjoy themselves.
Results: The stools were gone in minutes. Phone rang at the radio studio all the time. And we sold a lot of broadbands.

This professional campaign titled 'Fatboy search' was published in Finland in February, 2011. It was created for the brand: Welho, by ad agency: 358. This Ambient medium campaign is related to the Electronics, Technology industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 13 years ago.


Advertising Agency: 358, Helsinki, Finland
Creative director: Ale Lauraéus
Copywriter: Taro korhonen
Graphic designers: HP Savolainen, Ville Kovanen, Mark Nurmi
Strategist: Peter Barmer
Agency producer: Roosa Rudkiewicz


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