Children of the Street Society

Don't Put Your D*ck Here

Agency: WILL


Since the pandemic, the number of reported cases of child/youth online sextortion has spiked in BC and world-wide. And in 2023, the vast majority (90%) of sextortion incidents reported to CyberTip affected boys (typically those aged 15 to 17). Sextortion happens when predators (often posing as peers) persuade someone to send selfies or video of a sexual nature. Once the imagery has been sent, predators use it as blackmail to demand more images or money, often with dire consequences.

In a world where girls are all too aware of the dangers they face from online sexual predators, this danger is relatively new to teen boys. They are either unaware of the sextortion efforts happening around them, or feel so comfortable with their online communities that they might not consider that they could be targets in the first place.

In response to the spike in sextortion incidents affecting teen boys, Children of the Street, a program working to prevent the sexual exploitation of children and youth, partnered with creative agency Will to launch a new campaign to educate teen boys about the dangers of sharing sexual images of themselves online.

The campaign consists of a series of OOH, social, and video ads featuring images of some of the most dangerous places teen boys could think of to put their d*cks. But none of these places are as dangerous as sharing a d*ck pic in a DM.

The eight-week campaign, which runs in Greater Vancouver, directs teen boys to the campaign landing page where they can learn what to watch out for and what to do if sextortion happens to them.

This professional campaign titled 'Don't Put Your D*ck Here' was published in Canada in March, 2024. It was created for the brand: Children of the Street Society, by ad agency: WILL. This Film, Integrated, and OOH Outdoor media campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 2 media assets. It was submitted 5 months ago by Studio Manager: Cathlin Arness of Will.


ECD: Lisa Lebedovich
CD / Copywriter: Danielle Haythorne
ACD / Art Director: Allison Chambers
Designer / Website: Noah Kawamura
Account Supervisor: Robin Hall
Producers: Brie Puffer, Isabelle Apps
Photographer / Director: Clinton Hussey
Photo Retouching: Conor Byrne
Studio Artist: Will Erickson, Conor Byrne, Noah Kawamura
Post-Production: PostPro Media
Sound Design: Flip78
Developer: Yardstick Services
Printer / Wild Postings: Grassroots Advertising Inc.


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