

Agency: Arnold

This professional campaign titled 'Different' was published in United States in February, 2010. It was created for the brand: Carnival, by ad agency: Arnold. This Film medium campaign is related to the Transport industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 14 years ago.


Advertising Agency: Arnold Worldwide, USA
Chief Creative Officer: Pete Favat
Executive Creative Director: Roger Baldacci
Creative Director: Paul Renner
Art Director: Rob Kottkamp
Copywriter: Will Chambliss
Producer: Paul Shannon
Assistant Producer: Katie Harris
Business Affairs: Jenn Wrentmore
Account Service: Stephanie Evans, Cass Taylor and Debra Freeman
Production Company: Anonymous Content
Production Company Producer: Jennifer Barrons
Director: Christian Loubek
Cinematographer: Stephen McGehee
Editorial Company: Bug Editorial
Editor: Andre Betz
Music Company: Todd Rundgren
Music Title: Bang on the Drum
Recording Studio / Mix: Soundtrack Boston
Sound Mix: Mike Secher
Special Effects Company: Brickyard VFX
VFX Designer: Sean Mclean
VFX Producer: Kirsten Anderson


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