Nando's Nandos

"Chick's Day"

Agencies: EuroRSCG Havas

The Chick's Day Activation @ Nando's Oman

Chick's Day Copywriting samples


His Majesty, Sultan Qaboos of Oman passed a historic decree in 15th December, 2009 calling it ‘Women’s Day’ – a radical departure from a heavily male dominated country a reflection of a largely socially conservative fabric in Omani society.

Proactive Opportunity:
We saw a terrific opportunity for the Nando’s brand in Oman to take a leaf out of this and reposition the Nando’s brand from the perspective of empowering women. This fitted in with the brand’s playful and social approach across the world in highlighting tactical and relevant issues in each country and Oman was no different.

Hatching our Big Idea:
We decided to create an event for women, amplified by a full integrated 360 campaign across digital, print, social websites, indoor activation, powered by pure copywriting that would in a sense, challenge the otherwise conservative community fabric of Oman by creating an exclusive ‘women’s day special’ at the exclusive Nando’s outlet in Oman where women would truly feel special – so special, it meant the absolute exclusion of men!

Our Campaign Idea: #ChicksDay

This professional campaign titled '"Chick's Day"' was published in Oman in December, 2019. It was created for the brands: Nandos and Nando's, by ad agencies: EuroRSCG and Havas. This Content, Experiential, and Integrated media campaign is related to the Confectionery, Snacks, Food, and Public Interest industries and contains 2 media assets. It was submitted 7 months ago by Creative Director, Content Head & Senior Creative: Cherry Koshy of Freedom For Now.


Creative Copy Head & Conceptualiser: Cherry Koshy
Creative Director: Balakrishnan
Client servicing: Suresh Nair
Art: Sivaramakrishnan


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