Ahsbha sah

School: MSA University


Ahsbha sah is an awareness campaign under the umbrella of Without debtors Initiative. Ahsbha sah mainly focuses on solving the problem of debtors in Egypt. Ahsbha sah campaign aims to solve SDG:1 (No poverty) in the sustainable development report 2021.

This student campaign titled 'Ahsbha sah' was published in Egypt in August, 2022. It was created by ad school: MSA University. This Design and Integrated media campaign is related to the Other industry and contains 23 media assets. It was submitted about 2 years ago by Graphic designer: Amara Ibrahim Ali.


Advertising School: MSA University, Giza, Egypt
Student: Amara Ibrahim Ali
Instructor: Prof.Dr. Tamer Abdelatief & Dr. Sara Mahmoud
Teacher Assistant: Nancy Helaslasy & Shaimaa Sherbeny

Human Trafficking


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