

Agency: Ponce

This professional campaign titled 'Acknowledgment' was published in Argentina in May, 2012. It was created for the brand: Rexona, by ad agency: Ponce. This Film medium campaign is related to the Health industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 12 years ago.


Advertising Agency: Ponce, Buenos Aires, Argentina
General Creative Directors: Ricardo Armentano, Analía Rios, Joaquín Cubria
Creative Directors: Mario Crudele, Lucas Cambiano
Art Directors: Nacho Pérez de Muro, German Zecchi
Copywriter: Nicolás Chanseaud
Production Company: Park Pictures / Labhouse
Director: 300 ml
Executive Producer: Flora Fernandez Marengo
Producer: Maria Jose Garofali
DOP: Lula Carvalho
Production Designer: Julain Romera
Editor: Marcelo Moraes
Post Production: Che Revolution Post
Music: Salmón Osado


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