National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
This professional campaign titled '1-800-273-8255' was published in United States in August, 2017. It was created for the brand: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, . This Film medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 2 media assets. It was submitted over 5 years ago.
Production Company: London Alley
Management: Visionary Music Group
Artists: Logic, Alessia Cara, Khalid
Label Chairman: Steve Bartels
Executive Publicist: Gabriel Tesoriero
Marketing Executive: Justin Duran
Project Publicist: Peter Kadin
VP, International Marketing: Marisa Lauro-Norris
EVP, Marketing & Commerce: Scott Greer
EVP, International Marketing: Michael Alexander
Artist Manager: Chris Zarou
Director: Andy Hines
Executive Producers: Luga Podesta, Brandon Bonfiglio
Producers: Andrew Lerios, Alex Randall, Mildred Delamota
Video Commissioner: Nichelle Delvaille