

Agency: Ogilvy Colombia

AlgoLibre - Video caso

AlgoLibre - Board


Language's censorship is one of the first steps towards dictatorship and the destabilization of democracy. And the modern version of it, is present even in our daily life through social media. That's why hundreds of users hack the rules using new terms that evade algorithms.

We created a new language with those terms, the first digital one, and we include it in online translators, in outdoors, and more.

This professional campaign titled 'AlgoLibre' was published in Colombia in November, 2023. It was created for the brand: LatinSpots, by ad agency: Ogilvy Colombia. This Digital and OOH Outdoor media campaign is related to the Other, Public Interest, and Public Utility industries and contains 2 media assets. It was submitted 7 months ago.


Advertising Agency: Ogilvy Colombia
Art Director: Juan Nicolás Duarte
Motion Graphics: Jorge Báez
Copywriters: Daniela Rodríguez, Juan Sebastián Velandia, Sergio Gallego


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