
We are unique

Agency: Verne Uruguay

Todos somos únicos / We are unique


This back to school campaign aim is to combat bullying, celebrating diversity and showing us how boring it would be if we were all the same. What makes us different, also makes us unique.

This professional campaign titled 'We are unique' was published in Uruguay in February, 2023. It was created for the brand: Mosca, by ad agency: Verne Uruguay. This Content, Digital, and Film media campaign is related to the Education, Other, and Toys industries and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 1 year ago by Barreiro: Pablo of Verne.


Advertising Agency: Verne, Montevideo Uruguay
Creative Director: Joaquín Romero
Art Director: Diego Carrero
DGC: Pablo Barreiro
Copywriters: Joaquín Romero, Leandro Pena
Account Director: Martín Vila
Account Manager: Mayté Ferreira
Production Company: Zeta, Montevideo, Uruguay


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