Nandini GoodLife

Valentine's Day

Agency: MAD About Digital

This Valentine’s, you’ve shown us love’s many forms and the beauty in everyday moments. ❤️ Thank you all for joining us in celebrating the richness of love and don’t forget to always #LoveTheGoodLife.


This Valentine's day, we at Nandini GoodLife decided to transcend far beyond the boundaries of romantic love and explore what love means to people irrespective of age, experience, having a partner or not. While romantic relationships certainly contribute to our happiness, they are just one facet of a rich tapestry of experiences that define a fulfilling existence. The "good life" should encompass the warmth of friendships, the joy of familial bonds, the satisfaction of personal achievements, and the sense of purpose derived from meaningful connections and experiences, even if it's with animals. It thrives on moments of laughter shared with friends, the comfort of family support during times of need, and the fulfillment found in pursuing passions and interests. In essence, the GoodLife is a holistic journey that celebrates all forms of love, connection, and fulfillment, transcending the confines of romantic affection to embrace the multifaceted beauty of human experience.
To help the audience experience this, we hosted a 4 day content encouraging them to send in their entries. We reached 3,66,509 accounts for the brand with massive positive recall and helped us to make this short video compilation talking about what love means to specific people.

This professional campaign titled 'Valentine's Day' was published in India in February, 2024. It was created for the brand: Nandini GoodLife, by ad agency: MAD About Digital. This Design and Digital media campaign is related to the Food industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted 4 months ago.


Advertising Agency : Mad About Digital, Bengaluru
Production Company : Mad About Digital, Bengaluru
Founder : Zuhair Hamza
Associate Art Director : Manikandan
Graphic Designer : Nikhilesh
Senior Motion Graphic Designer : Sijo Joby
Motion Graphic Designer : Manoj KIran
Creative Director : Ambili Thomas
Senior Copywriter : Keerthan
Creative Copywriter : Vanessa Talwar
Group Account Manager : Anishaa Ahuja
Account Supervisor : Priyanka Thomas
Account Manager : Vanshika Wadhwani
Voiceover Artist : Arjun Raja
Production Executive : Ahmmad Zeeshan

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